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About Police Chief
Vincent Talucci, Editor
Danielle Gudakunst, Managing Editor
Camryn Nethken, Editorial Coordinator
David Teodosio, Digital Manager
Margaret White, Proofreader
Christian D. Faulkner, Metria Hernandez, Jovan Riley, and Rizalina Saleh, Membership Services
AdBoom Advertising, Advertising
TGD Communications, Graphic Design & Production
Pannos Law firm, Legal Counsel
Editorial Advisors:
Nora Coyne, Ryan Daugirda, Sarah Guy,
Sarah Horn, Nuyiri Kasbarian, Karen Maline,
Carl Maupin, Tonya Peters, Rebecca Simonelli,
Megan Stoltz, Andrea Watson, and Lauren Wilt
The Police Chief (ISSN 0032-2571) is published monthly by
International Association of Chiefs of Police
44 Canal Center Plaza, Suite 200
Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone: 703-836-6767
Fax: 703-836-4543
Periodicals postage paid at Alexandria, Virginia, and additional mailing offices.
Articles are contributed by practitioners in law enforcement or related fields. Manuscripts must be original work, previously unpublished, and not simultaneously submitted to another publisher. No word rate is paid or other remuneration given. Contributors’ opinions and statements are not purported to define official IACP policy or imply IACP endorsement.
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To request permission to use or reprint an article from Police Chief or another IACP publication, please complete IACP’s permission form and send to dgudakunst@theiacp.org.