Where do the good ideas come from?
In this column, we offer our readers the opportunity to learn about - and benefit from - some of the cutting-edge technologies being implemented by law enfo...
On November 20, the House and Senate adopted the conference report on the massive omnibus appropriations bill (H.R. 4818) that completes work on spending for fiscal year 2005. The bill now goes to Pre...
The Police Chief keeps you on the cutting edge of law enforcement technology with monthly product announcements. For free in-depth information, visit http://www.theiacp.org/pubinfo/pc/ and insert the ...
The IACP and others presented the J. Stannard Baker Award for Highway Safety, the Vehicle Theft Award of Merit, and the Looking beyond the License Plate Award during a breakfast ceremony at the 111th ...
The IACP has made available a desk reference for newly appointed police chiefs. The document is a major component of the IACP New Police Chief Mentoring Project, which is part of the Bureau of Justice...
Use of the investigative detention, or Terry stop, allows officers to detain people based on only reasonable suspicion but requires great care to ensure that the investigative detention does not evolv...
Although aphasia is little known, it is fairly common. Officers are more likely to come into contact with people with aphasia than with people with Parkinson’s disease, cerebral palsy, multiple scle...