Officer Safety & Wellness
It is estimated that police officers will be exposed to more than 900 potentially traumatic incidents during their career, both direct and vicarious. Officers also experience organizational stress tha...
Officer Safety & Wellness
Given the stunning rise of mental health crises among police officers, including but not limited to higher levels of officer depression, substance use, and even suicide, it’s clear that the responsi...
New Zealand Police performing the Haka, a traditional Māori dance, during a funeral service in 2020 to honor Constable Matthew Hunt, who was killed in the line of duty.
There are numerous police agencies across the world implementing compelling police management programs. One such agency, the New Zealand Police, has emerged as forerunners in innovative police leaders...
Officer Safety & Wellness
Policing is a 24-hour business, hence shift work will always be required. However, it isn’t natural for humans to be awake through the night; this is when people usually experience sleepiness, so st...
Roll Call
Modern law enforcement is a profession committed to enhancing public safety. The IACP allows the vast array of sworn and non-sworn law enforcement colleagues from varying backgrounds, areas of experti...