November 2005
Law enforcement executives everywhere have an interest in securing seaports against crime and terrorism, and the job is a big one. In 2004 alone, more than 9 million shipping containers arrived in U.S. seaports, each one holding as much as 32 tons of cargo that quickly reached every jurisdiction in the country by rail or truck.
The Culture of Safety: No One Gets Hurt Today
Today, safety in the work place is a top priority all around the world. Yet employees of companies, governments, municipal agencies, and other organizations are unnecessarily injured while at work eve... -
What Chiefs Need to Know About Port Security
Port security used to be a topic of little interest to any agency not involved with or adjacent to a port. Specialized port policing agencies throughout the country traditionally had little contact or... -
Vehicle Theft Investigation Is About Looking Beyond the Traffic Stop
Vehicle theft in the United States is a serious problem. It is important to note that vehicle theft is the second most profitable crime in the United States, surpassed only by trafficking in illegal n... -
Inside the New ATF
When the federal government underwent its homeland security reorganization after the passage and signing of the Homeland Security Act in November 2002, one of the seamless changes for state and local ... -
Making Streets Safer through Mobile Wireless Technologies
Wireless-enabled mobile devices such as personal digital assistants (PDAs) and laptops have become common in Americans' everyday lives, allowing them to roam freely while accessing information and app...
- President's Message: Prepare Tomorrow's Police Leaders
- Chief’s Counsel: Disclosing Officer Untruthfulness to the Defense
- Legislative Alert: Homeland Security Funding Bill Sent to President; Contains Cuts to First Responder Grants, Change to Grant Formula
- Technology Talk: Information and Patrol Technology Resources
- IACP News: November 2005
- Survivors' Club: November 2005
- Product Update: November 2005
- Index to Advertisers: November 2005