April 2015 Product Update

The Police Chief keeps you on the cutting edge of law enforcement technology with monthly product announcements. Items about new
or improved products are based on news releases supplied by manufacturers and distributors; IACP endorsement is in no way implied.

Body-worn video cameras

Primal USA, LLC, offers the DutyVUE HD1920—a camcorder, still photo camera, and audio-only recorder in one affordable device. A built-in color monitor and the ability to playback on any HDMI monitor enable easier viewing of evidence without special software or a computer. The DutyVUE HD1920 offers three models with internal storage ranging from 16 to 64 gigabytes. The unit features built-in IR emitters, color monitor, microphone, speaker, and GPS. In addition, the unit offers Wi-Fi file transmission as a standard feature.

For more information, visit www.primalusa.com or email sales@primalusa.com.


AK GlobalTech offers the AlcoMate Revo, the breathalyzer that combines PRISM technology with advanced fuel-cell precision. Its patented precalibrated replaceable intelligent sensor module (PRISM) technology allows end users to change the breathalyzer’s sensor on their own when needed. This exclusive technology eliminates the potential for downtime without the product, the need to mail it back and forth for calibration service, and the risk of gradual sensor breakdown. Product features include Department of Transportation approved for law enforcement (accuracy +/-0.005 at 0.10 g/dL); National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration approved; four-digit LCD results display; active pressure sensor/deep lung air sampling; cumulative test counter; and a low-battery indicator and auto power off.

For more information, visit http://alcomate.net.

Interactive website

Deloitte introduces its recently launched interactive website: Gov2020. Part of the website focuses on the future of law and justice. Gov2020 isn’t a crystal ball, but it does pull together the best of Deloitte research and expertise from across the globe to start a discussion on what is probable and, even more important, what is possible. The biggest value of the website is that it brings together, in one easily navigable place, a treasure trove of analysis and creative visualizations about the future. These include 193 trends that represent the shifts that are likely or at least possible by 2020; 36 drivers that will influence the way government operates and serves its citizens; 15 videos depicting everything from the future of government work to the impact of 3D printing; and 16 infographics depicting everything from digital age transportation to a sensor-enabled world.

For more information, visit http://goo.gl/Qs3Csn.

Mobile lidar/camera system

Optech offers the Optech Lynx Mobile Mapper, a powerful mobile lidar/camera system that provides dense and precise 3D data even from vehicles moving at highway speeds. Transportation professionals interested in wide-scale mapping projects can check out the cost-efficient Lynx MG1 model, while those who need precise survey-grade data without skimping on collection efficiency will find that the industry-leading SG1 model is ideal for their tasks. The hidden jewel is the Optech Lidar Mapping Suite (LMS) software, which maximizes accuracy from both models with rigorous automation and scales up for large projects with distributed and batch processing.

For more information, visit www.optech.com.

Infrared detection powder

CMC Government Supply is proud to announce that they now carry Cyalume Total IR infrared detection powder. This innovative product is ideal for use in border patrol operations, crime scenes, tracking and locating, and other tactical operations. Total IR is a spreadable, infrared-emitting powder that can resemble ordinary soil. It is non-toxic and cannot be distinguished by the human eye, requiring a night vision device to view. Total IR is an undetectable way to guard restricted areas, fence lines, trespass areas, or crime scenes. The product has a slight tackiness to it, allowing it to adhere to shoes, tires, or clothing. This makes it the perfect tracking tool for border and restricted entry areas. Total IR will emit IR light from 36–48 hours after deployment, depending on environmental conditions. The best results are achieved when deployed in a low-humidity environment, making it perfect for southern and western border patrol operations. When used indoors, Total IR will produce light for up to a full week.

For more information, visit www.cmcgov.com/store/pc/c422.htm.

Baton grip with integrated light

Introducing the Baton Grip Light, an attachment for police batons that provides enhanced weapon retention with a powerful push-button LED light for immediately accessible illumination. Compatible with ASP, Monadnock, and other 1″-diameter expandable batons, the Baton Grip Light is easily attached by removing the end cap, sliding it onto the handle of the baton, and replacing the end cap to secure it in place. The Baton Grip Light does not add any additional length to the baton and is made in the USA.

For more information, visit www.batongriplight.com.

GPS tracking device

The Electronic Stake Out product from 3SI Security Systems provides a GPS tracking device that can be used to target and track criminals. Using this device frees up officers’ time as they don’t get involved with the stakeout until the device alerts them that an incident has occurred. More than 5,000 police departments across the world have been trained in this technology and are benefitting from it, with apprehension in 70 percent of cases and an asset return rate of over 87 percent. The release of an enhanced ESO product, the NextGen3 Electronic Stake Out system’s global platform leverages multiple security and tracking technologies and offers new benefits including multiple vessel options to allow a variety of bait operations; configurable motion sensitivity, update rates, and interval reporting; customizable geo-fences and capability to link multiple devices; stored location data if cellular signal is lost during tracking; and capability to schedule hibernation and wake up to save battery power. The NextGen3 ESO devices are available in a variety of sizes, and they can be purchased online.

For more information, visit www.cmcgov.com/store/pc/c422.htm.

New LinkedIn account

The Center for Domestic Preparedness announces its CDP LinkedIn account, a platform for emergency responders and training officers to get the latest news on new courses and CDP training and, of course, network. The CDP’s primary mission is to train state, local, and tribal emergency response providers, as well as the U.S. federal government, foreign governments, and private entities, as available. A popular aspect of the courses is the hands-on training with a multidisciplined audience. In addition, the CDP is the only civilian facility that trains with toxic chemical and live biological agents. The center also has the only hospital facility in the United States dedicated solely to training hospital and health care professionals in disaster preparedness and response. The CDP’s LinkedIn account includes announcements and information about upcoming courses and class seat availability; links to photos and videos of the CDP’s hands-on training; a forum for potential students to ask questions prior to training at the CDP; and a place to connect with CDP instructors and alumni. The center offers more than 40 courses covering 10 different disciplines of emergency response. All CDP courses are fully funded for state, local, and tribal responders, including travel, lodging, and meals. CDP training is also open to emergency responders working in private industry in the United States and other countries on a fee-for-service basis. ♦

For more information, visit www.linkedin.com/pub/center-for-domestic-preparedness/aa/728/735.