As you think about your career in law enforcement, there may be some questions on your mind regarding doing your job efficiently and effectively. What current role does technology play in law e...
Fifty years ago marked the Stonewall Riots—the flashpoint over the historic conflicts between the police in New York City and its LGBTQ community that, for generations, endured selective enforcement...
Policing in the United States has changed over time, as has U.S. society. Various criminological schools—the pre-classical school, classical school, positivist school, and neo-classical school—hav...
For the past few years, implicit bias and antidiscrimination have become buzzwords in many police departments; agencies have phoned in experts and mandated additional bias training for officers at an ...
With nearly 19,000 state and local government police departments operating across the United States, the need to renovate or replace a headquarters, precinct, or substation facility is a critical issu...
Recent events have raised several new challenges for law enforcement agencies and placed existing and long-standing concerns regarding policing in a new light. In early 2020, the global COVID-19 pande...
The events of the past several months have been a source of many feelings and fear in the minds of many, particularly the criminal acts by those who took an oath to protect and serve their communities...
U.S. policing is facing unprecedented challenges. Trust in the police has been eroded, and many people are understandably calling for change. Police reform in a deeply polarized nation is no easy task...