Winston Churchill is credited with saying, “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” Churchill asserted that dramatic events and circumstances can furnish fresh insights and growth opportunities for ...
The mental well-being of the men and women who serve and protect communities across the world is every bit as important as their physical health and safety. Unaddressed mental health issues can take a...
To expedite adjudication of cases involving the trafficking, manufacturing, or possession of controlled substances, federal, state, and local law enforcement officers need easy-to-use field ide...
Police officers have always been jacks of all trades. The United States did a very good job promoting the use of 911 since the first call was made on February 16, 1968, and those three simple numbers ...
Recently, the already-difficult profession of public safety has been made even more challenging by competing political interests, the “defunding” movement, and changing expectations from communiti...
Programs pairing police with mental health professionals to respond to calls involving persons in mental health crises are becoming widespread. Police and clinicians handle some crises better together...
I will never forget responding to a 911 call downtown and seeing a six-foot-five man in sandals and a long, flowing dress screaming and yelling on the street corner. He started walking out into traffi...
The background investigation may be the most critical element in hiring a new officer. This labor-intensive process usually takes months and has traditionally resulted in reams of paperwork. Bu...