For many years, the criminal justice community has relied on latent fingerprints to identify perpetrators of crimes. More recently, advancements in technology have allowed palm prints to also be used ...

The face of policing in the United States has been changing over the last decade, largely thanks to the increased deployment of advanced technology. The use of city-wide video surveillance networks in...

Human trafficking is the second-largest criminal enterprise in the world, with an estimated industry of $150 billion. The victims transcend age, race, and various social classes, and the perpetrators ...

The 2012 Summer Olympics in London, England, provided an environment that human trafficker Jason Gandy recognized as “target rich” and an advantageous opportunity in which to peddle his wares. Wha...

During this unprecedented time of COVID-19 and the call for law enforcement reforms, labor trafficking may be considered as a low priority for many agencies. Unfortunately, in this same environment of...

Shandra Woworuntu came to the United States from Indonesia when she was 24 years old, expecting to work in the hotel industry. She had lost her job as a financial analyst and trader at an internationa...

The traditional role of the vice unit within law enforcement agencies is to investigate vice-related crimes such as prostitution, gambling, bookmaking, pornography, and problems associated with alcoho...

Fatigue is killing police officers and damaging the fragile trust between law enforcement officers and the communities they serve. Sleeplessness and tiredness are unspoken realities that police office...