Recruitment & Personnel
Contemporary police officer recruitment efforts have encountered unparalleled challenges as compared to any other time in recent history. With few exceptions, police recruiters around the United State...
Recruitment & Personnel
As with law enforcement agencies worldwide, the Waxahachie, Texas, Police Department has struggled to attract good applicants in recent year. Situated just 20 miles south of Dallas in a community of 3...
Traffic Safety
Law enforcement agencies need to prepare for autonomous vehicles to become commonplace on public roadways and embrace the technology in order to better serve their communities. Although a fair amount ...
Prior to construction of the Hoover Dam, the Colorado River had an average flow of about 21,000 cubic feet per second, peaking at about 100,000 cubic feet per second after the snow melt in the Rocky M...
The legal landscape concerning U.S. law enforcement’s use of a range of differing developing technologies can best be characterized as a long and winding road. Unlike many nations that have codified...
Sponsor Article
  Police body-worn camera technology has come a long way over the past decade in helping officers protect their communities. As more law enforcement agencies implement body-worn camera programs, ...
Operating in the realm of virtual evidence management can present challenges for law enforcement agencies both large and small. However, the transition to virtual platforms is not only inevitable, but...
The 21st-century criminal is leaving an unfettered trail in disparate databases across the globe. When these stores of information remain static and unconnected, agents and officers are denied a compl...