The Norman, Oklahoma, Police Department (PD) has proactively upgraded its crime data from the Summary Reporting System (SRS) to the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) and begun to submit...
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Cities of all sizes have specific security challenges. There are several organizational and technological tools that can help law enforcement maximize their efforts in securing their cities. Citywi...
As a leader of a law enforcement organization, or a part of the leadership team, when was the last time you actually stopped and considered where the next generation of law enforcement leaders w...
Drugs & Alcohol
In 1982, criminologists George L. Kelling and James Q. Wilson published an article titled “Broken Windows.” They asserted that police could prevent more serious crimes by resolving smaller crimina...
Community-Police Engagement
Law enforcement agencies and the media have a symbiotic relationship, with both entities depending on each other. While the two have common goals, they sometimes have diverging priorities. As with ...
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  Officers understand the pressures of being prepared for any situation that comes their way in the line of duty. Whether racing to a crime scene, patrolling the highway, or off-duty, there are n...
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Many police officers have attended Monday morning staff meetings where the events of the weekend drive the morning discussion. Attention-grabbing use-of-force incidents and subsequent community concer...
Community-Police Engagement
Among the greatest pressures weighing on law enforcement leadership today is one that barely even registered on the radar just a few decades ago—the threat of negative public relations. And for good...