Successful investigation requires skilled investigators and the highest procedural standards. From information and resources on investigator training to evidence management, witness interviews to surv...
For more than 25 years, IACP Net has and continues to provide the most innovative and up-to-date information on leadership best practices, helping law enforcement leaders stay current and make effecti...
Preventing and responding to firearms violence is a complex and difficult challenge for law enforcement....
Law enforcement officers require continuous learning to address modern challenges. The IACP Net Events & Training section lists educational courses, conferences, and more to help inform your train...
Community partnerships have never been more vital to the success of law enforcement agencies. The IACP Net Main e-Library houses thousands of program ideas to help with community-police relations....
IACP Net has a wealth of field-tested ideas on preparing for and responding to terror attacks. The Main e-Library offers many helpful resources, including the following:...
The IACP Net Current Affairs section provides easy-to-find information about grants and free resources. This section also highlights important events and training opportunities—as well as law enforc...
Law enforcement is dedicated to protecting all members of the community, including those least able to protect themselves. IACP Net provides the most innovative and up-to-date information to aid in th...