The Mesa Police Department (MPD) takes an active role in promoting traffic safety through various community engagement efforts and reporting channels. The department shares regular traffic safety tips...
Personnel will continue to be a critical issue. The traditional 25- to 30-year employee who works for their pension and views policing as their sole passion no longer exists in today’s workforce....
The foundation of empowering the youth starts with our school resource officers. We build upon those relationships to immediately address any of the needs of our youth. We collaborate with community s...
Participating in an IACP section has been transformative for my career, agency, and role as a university faculty member. As the practitioner vice chair of the Police Research Advancement Section, I ha...
We use nonsworn personnel called police service specialists (PSSs) to respond to calls for service deemed not to require a police officer. The PSSs conduct investigations of delayed reports of propert...
Our agency established a value statement in 2022 to address two priorities: (1) enhance community engagement and (2) demonstrate sincerity for our employees. It states, “We are a community-forward a...
I believe that political violence will remain a significant challenge for federal, state, local, tribal, and international law enforcement partner agencies. As political instability increases by way o...
It is challenging for police to provide support without trust in any underserved community. The Montgomery County, Maryland, Police Department’s Autism, Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, ...