President’s Message: Roadway Safety—A Global Imperative

In 2023, the United States witnessed an estimated 40,990 traffic fatalities. This alarmingly high figure doesn’t even come close to the global scale of roadway fatalities. This staggering number underscores a critical public safety issue that extends far beyond any one country’s borders. To put this into perspective, the number of murders, including nonnegligent manslaughter, in the United States during the same time period, was estimated at 21,156. What would be the reaction in our communities if we experienced a 97 percent increase in homicides? We lose almost double the number of people to traffic crashes as we do to murder.

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President's Message
When we hear elected officials, the media, and community members discuss the criminal justice system, almost always, these discussions focus on the police. However, as we know, the real criminal justi...
President's Message
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President's Message
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President's Message
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President's Message
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President's Message
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President's Message
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President's Message
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President's Message
As I write this, we are coming up to National Police Week. By the time this is printed, this solemn week will have passed. We will have honored those who sacrificed for their communities and our chose...
President's Message
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