In an era of skilled fraudsters and hackers, police executives everywhere face growing security challenges. One of the most basic challenges is ensuring that officers’ photo ID cards cannot be forge...
These days, many law enforcement officials are less worried about “broken windows” perpetuating small delinquencies and more concerned with detecting and preventing the serious crimes associated w...
As the needs of law enforcement officers have changed, the technology has also changed to meet those evolving needs. Many modern pieces of equipment look and perform differently than versions created ...
An integral part of law enforcement training includes use-of-force simulators that enable officers to experience crisis situations and learn tactical strategies for responding to them. The theory behi...
With 1.1 million law enforcement personnel scattered across more than 12,000 local police departments and 3,000 sheriffs’ offices in the United States alone, one must wonder if everything possible i...
It’s a law enforcement executive’s worst nightmare—a panicked call from staff in the middle of the night. What could it be? All of the agency’s 911 and communication capabilities, report writi...
Forensic investigations have come a long way in recent years thanks to advancements in science. By collecting and analyzing DNA left behind at crime scenes, law enforcement investigators are increasin...
As criminals and criminal organizations continue to engage in increasingly sophisticated illegal activity that often spans multiple jurisdictions, it is vitally important that law enforcement utilizes...