Every day, more extensive and sophisticated data breaches and cybercrimes occur across the globe. Unfortunately, law enforcement has not escaped the limelight and, as a result, has become a target for...
In 2013, the IACP partnered with the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police (CACP) to survey North American law enforcement agency (LEA) executives regarding their awareness of cyber threats, the ri...
Inherent inefficiencies in the U.S. criminal justice system, stemming from essential organizational boundaries and the need for separation of roles, can no longer be ignored....
In May 2018, a Little Rock, Arkansas, man allegedly fired two bullets through a wall into a neighbor’s apartment. When police officers arrived at the scene, they reportedly found the man standing on...
In modern times, people expect information to be quickly accessible, interactive, and useful. With these goals in mind, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) developed the Crime Data Explorer (CDE...
Senior police managers are no longer struggling with the question of whether they need to incorporate video technology into their agency’s infrastructure.
That train has left the station. Today, th...
Why is 5G important to police?
Police departments’ most valuable resource is officers’ time. Maximizing officers’ time, then, must be a top priority of any list when spending money on technolog...
When a problem is presented, I enjoy not only the challenge of solving the problem or coming up with creative solutions, but also the sense of assisting others.
Crime scenes are the start...