Lights are flashing, the siren is blaring, and the investigation has just begun. Critical information about the incident needs to get out to the public quickly. As it turns out, the most effective too...
In 2014, a white police officer in Ferguson, Missouri, shot and killed Michael Brown, an unarmed 18-year-old black man. The chain reaction of events that followed still reverberates years later in con...
The Marietta, Georgia, Police Department (MPD) carries out its mission to protect the city and the city’s residents with a two-pronged approach...
Ten years ago, Chief of Police Neil Mahan of the Janesville, Wisconsin, Police Department explained a new high-tech law enforcement tool in Police Chief magazine: digital billboards....
When disaster strikes, law enforcement officers and other first responders must be able to respond to emergency situations and protect their communities as effectively as possible. With threats to pub...
Identifying unknown substances in the field upon seizure is a critical step in the drug investigation process. It provides information that helps law enforcement make arrests, obtain search warrants, ...
Most courts throughout North America have failed to keep up with visual evidence presentation technologies, even though the source image quality continues to march forward.
In today’s surveillance ...
Law enforcement agencies previously unable to afford airspace technology, such as helicopters, can now affordably access drones to extend their security systems, monitor the skies, and help them serve...