State and local law enforcement agencies are increasingly responsible for addressing cybercrime. All departments, even small departments in remote areas, need (or will need) investigators equipped wit...
The U.S. electric grid, by virtue of its complexity and size, is vulnerable to both physical and cyber attacks, which have the potential to impact the United States in ways not currently imagined by m...
In 2013, the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) and the National Sheriff’s Association (NSA) partnered with the National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C) to survey executives from ...
Cybersecurity – An Emerging Challenge for All Law Enforcement" displayText='ShareThis'>
Every day there are news stories about the latest victims of data breaches and identity theft and of information technology systems crippled by cyber attacks. Private citizens, businesses, and governm...
The cyberthreat is a top national security priority for the United States. Terrorists, nation-state sponsored actors, and criminal groups have expanded their operations into the digital realm to probe...
The advent of the Internet created great opportunities for mankind to share information, expand knowledge, develop new commerce, and make the world seem smaller and more connected. Unfortunately, it a...
The threat to critical police data in today’s world is real and growing at an exponential rate as agencies become more dependent upon digital technology for day-to-day operations. In addition, cyber...
Financial fraud and identity theft (FIT) crimes have grown exponentially over the past decade. It has evolved from being narrow and limited, often affecting vulnerable or reckless victims and business...