Education & Training
In his insightful book, The Infinite Game, the business leadership guru Simon Sinek asserts, “Great leaders are the ones who think beyond ‘short term’ versus ‘long term.’ They are the ones...
Education & Training
In the course of their work, police officers often encounter problems. Some may be standard for the conditions of service, while others need a concentration of efforts to solve them, carry more uncert...
Research & Evidence-Based Policing
It is not unusual for victims to find it difficult to engage with the police after experiencing an assault. Often, victims fear they will not be believed or that reporting the crime will not have any ...
Education & Training
At most agencies, there is a specific process for the investigation of police use-of-force incidents. For many agencies, those investigations are initially reported to the field supervisor, then the r...
Education & Training
As long as anyone could remember, the Pinellas County, Florida, Sheriff’s Office (PCSO) Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) unit consisted of a Bravo and a Charlie team. Few of the operators ever que...
One of the many things I have thought about in the profession is the question, “How do we teach others to appreciate perspectives different from our own?” As a deputy chief, I have worked my way u...
Traffic Safety
The Pennsylvania State Police introduced Operation Nighthawk during the summer of 2002. The program started as a simple two-day impaired driving training and enforcement experience for police officers...
Education & Training
According to the 2021 National Survey on Drug Use and Health conducted by Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 133.1 million people in the United States, ages 12 and older, repor...