The events of the past several months have been a source of many feelings and fear in the minds of many, particularly the criminal acts by those who took an oath to protect and serve their communities...
On May 25, 2020, Minneapolis, Minnesota, police officers killed George Floyd, a 46-year-old black man, after arresting him for allegedly using counterfeit money. During the three months that followed...
Shandra Woworuntu came to the United States from Indonesia when she was 24 years old, expecting to work in the hotel industry. She had lost her job as a financial analyst and trader at an internationa...
The biggest human trafficking case in Utah history did not look like what anyone would have expected. As human trafficking awareness has risen across the United States and the globe, there are still b...
The traditional role of the vice unit within law enforcement agencies is to investigate vice-related crimes such as prostitution, gambling, bookmaking, pornography, and problems associated with alcoho...
It was early 2018 in a Recruit School course at the Police Academy in Little Rock, Arkansas. The Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA) standard addressed was “Biased Polic...
On November 23, 2012, Michael Dunn, a 47-year-old software developer, shot and killed 17-year-old high school student Jordan Davis at a gas station in Jacksonville, Florida. An argument between Dunn a...
In 1998, the world was horrified by news reports of two gruesome hate-fueled murders. James Byrd Jr. was chained to the back of a pickup truck and dragged to his death. Matthew Shepard was beaten, tie...