Crime labs, also known as forensic science service providers (FSSPs), work with law enforcement to investigate crime scenes and collect evidence for investigations. They conduct testing on everything ...

Publicly funded crime and forensic laboratories serve as repositories of extensive public health and public safety data, with the potential for utilization at the local, regional, state, and national ...

Lady Justice holds ancient symbols while wearing a blindfold. This representation of the U.S. criminal justice system conveys fair and equal treatment under the law for all. This fair and equal treatm...

Wildlife trafficking is a widespread and growing global concern, removing an estimated $5–23 billion annually from the global economy. It crosses borders that previously were barriers to movement an...

Rapport is an interpersonal relationship between individual participants that can be positive or negative. It’s a connection between individuals that establishes an emotional tone in a given moment....

Human trafficking is among the most misunderstood crimes that affect society today. The root of the misunderstanding is complex and often difficult to counter. Conflicting representations of human tra...

Human trafficking, including both sex and labor trafficking, is a heinous crime that removes all humanity from victims and denies them basic human rights. According to the 2021 Trafficking in Persons ...

Millions of older people experience some type of abuse, neglect, or financial exploitation every year, with devastating consequences to their physical, social, financial, and psychological well-being....