Psychological Fitness for Duty Evaluations (FFDE), when used legally and correctly and performed competently, are a vital component of a comprehensive officer wellness program for law enforcement agen...
Since September 1, 1930, the FBI has collected and published crime and employee data for law enforcement agencies across the United States. Over the years, the FBI has adapted and adjusted what data a...
Conversations surrounding Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu training for law enforcement has been gaining increasing traction in recent years. Some police leaders are on board and have begun implementing training p...
Treating police officer mental wellness programs and community partner programs focused on behavioral health crises as separate priorities has not served smaller law enforcement departments nor their ...
Work-family balance or work-life balance, as it is popularly called, is a prominent topic in academic research and a grave concern for human resources practitioners. During the pandemic and the follow...
Law enforcement officers manage and experience a variety of stressful encounters on a regular basis. Common critical incidents can include traffic accidents and fatalities, adult and child injuries an...
This year, the IACP welcomed attendees from across the globe to the 2022 Officer Safety and Wellness Symposium in Atlanta, Georgia, March 15–17. Dozens of workshops on a wide range of topics were of...
Every law enforcement officer will face stress, adversity, and trauma. One study found law enforcement officers will experience 188 critical incidents over their careers. Sometimes it comes in the fo...