Mexico, like many developing nations, faces significant challenges in terms of road safety. Every year, thousands of people lose their lives or are seriously injured in traffic crashes. Mexico City (C...

In the early morning of December 17, 2024, Trooper Carlos Rios-Redd was on a routine graveyard shift, unaware that the next call for service would significantly impact many lives, including his own. W...
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For police leaders, public safety should always be top of mind, including when it comes to critical messaging—and who should receive those messages. If the public is not the audience for communicati...

All organizations, whether public or private, need to evolve and improve over time. In policing, this evolution is often described as “reform,” whereby individual police departments steer their of...

Most officers today have some working knowledge and training in how various human and environmental factors impact officer safety, critical decision-making and force option selection. Specifically, of...

As police professionals know, one phone call can change everything. At 9:25 p.m. on June 17, 2015, Chief Mullen received the call no police chief ever wants to get—a call that would change his life....
Automatic license plate recognition (ALPR) cameras are solving more crimes than ever before. The increase is driven by technology going beyond reading license plates. Investigators can now search for ...