So many jurisdictions are coping with outdated and dysfunctional facilities, in many cases because those facilities were never intended to serve law enforcement needs in the first place. The IACP has ...
In 2009, law enforcement officers in the United States reported more than 5.5 million motor vehicle crashes.1 Although these numbers have been declining, they represent a tremendous amount of law enfo...
Electronic control devices have been used by the police since the 1970s, and their use is burgeoning as technology has improved. Data reveals that these devices are beneficial for controlling noncompl...
Over the decades, law enforcement leaders have been under increasing pressure to answer the question, “What do I do with a law enforcement employee who has been proven to be untruthful in the workpl...
In mid-March, the IACP hosted its biennial Day on the Hill in Washington, D.C. Held in conjunction with the midyear meetings of the Division of State and Provincial Police and the Division of State As...
National standards released in June 2009 by the National Prison Rape Elimination Commission (NPREC), pursuant to the Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003 (PREA), apply to police departments operating t...
The law enforcement profession attracts a special kind of person. As police chiefs, we have the privilege of working with some of the finest individuals in the world—individuals who have at their fo...
Many police agencies have begun to target women and/or minorities specifically in their recruitment efforts. In spite of these heightened recruitment efforts, the wide range of job openings, and compe...