In November 2005, after several years of concern, discussion, and planning in related matters, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services released the HHS Pandemic Influenza Plan. Post-outbreak ...
In a recent Section 1983 federal court case involving allegations of excessive force, the plaintiff claimed an officer sprayed him with pepper spray six times, from 5 to 10 seconds during each spray, ...
Law enforcement officials sometimes complain that they get information from the media before they receive it through official channels. The Columbus, Ohio, local media were the first to link together ...
What specific changes, if any, does the public want to see in police practices? Surprisingly, this question has seldom been investigated. Rather, it is simply assumed that the public overwhelmingly fa...
As in many other departments across the country, Metropolitan-Nashville Police Department’s (MNPD) policy on transfers, and the procedures in which they were accomplished, had changed often over tim...
The scene has been reenacted many times in the news recently: a military reservist’s wife packing boxes to move, as she cannot afford to pay the mortgage and monthly bills since her husband, a milit...
In February 2003, President George W. Bush signed Homeland Security Presidential Directive 5 (HSPD-5), an order mandating the development of the National Incident Management System (NIMS). HSPD-5 assi...
Starting later this year, and continuing for the next several years, many public safety radio communications systems will be required to modify their radio frequencies as part of a Federal Communicati...