Women in law enforcement face many challenges. Research reveals women and men tend to follow different pathways to leadership.1 The pathway for women is full of “glassy” situations, both overhead...
Recruitment & Personnel
I have been in public service for over 30 years, and female representation in policing has been a topic of conversation since I engaged in the field. As one of the few women in the early and mid-2000s...
Recruitment & Personnel
Recruiting personnel is a continuous challenge for police organizations. Many U.S. state and local government employers identify policing positions as their most difficult to fill—more difficult tha...
Law enforcement agencies, much like the international corporate world, recognize the need to implement succession planning, maybe now more than ever. In the corporate world, 67 percent of businesses r...
Recruitment & Personnel
Law enforcement agencies are grappling with the persistent challenge of attracting and retaining top talent. With high turnover rates and fierce competition for the best candidates, it is crucial that...
Recruitment & Personnel
The staffing challenges that plague many law enforcement agencies in the United States receive substantial airtime and reflect a pronounced crisis. The formula is generally simple: increased attritio...
Recruitment & Personnel
Law enforcement has a problem—officers are retiring and leaving at a record rate, and the profession is not seeing the number of new applicants once seen in the past.1 Some agencies are struggling t...
Officer Safety & Wellness
man on a cliff hacking the ground with a pick axe so the ground he is standing on will fall
The stoic culture of law enforcement and the persistent stigma around seeking mental health treatment has contributed to police officers engaging in self-destructive behavior. Many police officers hav...