It is not unusual for victims to find it difficult to engage with the police after experiencing an assault. Often, victims fear they will not be believed or that reporting the crime will not have any ...

Businesses have long turned to data collection and analysis to make informed decisions about staffing, resource allocation, and expansion. This data-informed approach has improved productivity and inc...
The International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) has a long history of supporting innovation in law enforcement strategies and tactics to improve policing and enhance officer safety. The organ...

Modern-day policing faces myriad challenges aside from the duties of the job itself. In the past decade, law enforcement has become the spotlight of many politically charged conversations by community...

Most, but not all, of the largest police departments across the world embraced modern crime analysis decades ago. In 2017, the New York City Police Department (NYPD) further supplemented its long comm...

“More data needed,” “Data show disparity in response,” “Police should not respond to traffic violations.” These types of headlines play on repeat. Every time police executives open their e...

Law enforcement agencies are experiencing unprecedented levels of scrutiny from community members regarding use-of-force encounters between officers and community members of color. During these diffic...

Numerous Western police organizations, including the Danish National Police, have articulated their deployment of intelligence-led policing (ILP)—a goal-oriented model for policing with a focus on i...