The landscape of policing is constantly evolving as crime takes new forms, data volumes surge, and public expectations for safety and transparency rise. Police leaders worldwide are tasked with naviga...
In recent years, the policing landscape has undergone a seismic shift. Technological advances and increased scrutiny have placed law enforcement under an unprecedented microscope. Claims of police mis...
The Flagler County Sheriff’s Office (FCSO) in Florida has taken a groundbreaking approach to public safety by incorporating drone technology to enhance both officer and community safety. FCSO...
In the rapidly evolving field of Drone as First Responder (DFR) operations, adherence to aviation regulations is crucial. Ensuring that drone deployments enhance public safety while maintaining...
Crime is constantly evolving in today’s digitally interconnected world. The complexity of digital evidence and the volume of data investigators are collecting from myriad data sources are overwhelmi...
How often do people trust what they see on the internet? A popular internet pastime is looking for holes or issues with AI-generated images. For example, while faces in the foreground might look convi...
The most recent report from the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics (2022) states that there are 17,541 state and local law enforcement agencies across the United States. Among those agencies, more than...
he widespread use of mobile devices, computers, tablets, and cloud data has positioned digital evidence as a cornerstone in modern investigations. These devices are not only used everywhere, but they ...