With advancements in unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) technology, specifically nests, it may now be possible to deploy autonomous UAVs to assist officers with in-progress calls for service....
The annual IACP Technology Conference is a unique and exciting opportunity to bring law enforcement leaders and industry professionals together in a collaborative environment. Attendees learn from one...
Alexandre Dumas might have made the “One for All and All for One” motto famous when he wrote it as the rallying cry in the Three Musketeers, but it’s unlikely he realized the same concept woul...
Your spouse yells from upstairs: “Honneyyy! The Wi-Fi is down again!” It’s the third time this week your home’s wireless has stopped working. “Okaayyy!” You bellow up the stairwell, “Reb...
“911, This Is Siri, What’s Your Emergency?” – Integrating Chatbots Into Public Safety Communications
She is abruptly awakened by the sound of a breaking window. In her groggy state, it takes her a few seconds to wake up. Michelle remembers her husband is working the late shift tonight and won’t be ...
Many law enforcement agencies are faced with questions about what type of technology to invest in. This is certainly relevant in an era of contracting budgets. One type of technology available to law ...
Most law enforcement personnel in the United States are familiar with software programs like Google Earth that allow anyone with an Internet-enabled device to look at high-resolution, sometimes 3D, im...
Law enforcement interaction with malware cannot be limited to the pursuit of cybercriminals and conducting takedowns against criminal infrastructure; malware poses a critical yet often underestimated ...