Can technology be used to improve the process of submitting crime reports to law enforcement agencies? In the last 20 years there has been a radical change in the way technology is utilized in most pe...
When an elderly woman in Ohio went missing, law enforcement response time became the difference between life and death. Her niece called the Ohio State Highway Patrol (OSHP) to report the disappearanc...
In December 2010, the Bureau of Justice Assistance in the U.S. Department of Justice awarded a grant to the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) to examine the impact of the Bureau of ...
Gene Roddenberry introduced Star Trek fans to a device called a replicator in Star Trek: The Next Generation in 1987. Many will remember Captain Picard walking to a wall in his stateroom on the starsh...
The U.S. criminal justice community and much of the U.S. public recall that the horrific events of 9/11 were preceded by several of the al Qaeda–affiliated attackers’ attendance at flight schools ...
Consider the following scenario:
A man robs a liquor store at gunpoint, but as he flees he is confronted by an armed police unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). He points his gun at the hovering aircraft...
The U.S. Homeland Security Act of 2002 defines a fusion center as a “collaborative effort of two or more agencies that provide resources, expertise, and information to the center with the goal of ma...
Information sharing among U.S. law enforcement agencies has evolved substantially since 9/11, including the sharing of crucial information among disciplines and jurisdictions through relationships tha...