Forty-three years ago, Albert Reiss Jr., in his now classic book The Police and the Public, commented on the lack of official documentation on most police officer–citizen contacts. He suggested that...
The First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet), an independent agency within the U.S. Department of Commerce, was created to empower the United States’ first responders with state-of-the-art commu...
While patrolling a high-crime area, a deputy performs a traffic stop on a vehicle speeding through an apartment complex known for drug activity. Upon approaching the vehicle, the deputy notes that the...
When it is said that the Ohio Attorney General’s Sexual Assault Kit (SAK) Initiative is taking some of the “worst of the worst” criminals off the street, no one familiar with the Elias Acevedo c...
Police chiefs are expected to lower crime, improve community relations, and manage their departments to protect civilians in their jurisdictions—all while facing budgetary constraints. The Bensalem ...
The field of dental implantology can provide the dental forensics division an invaluable tool in the identification process of the unknown and missing. The great potential of this unique forensic dent...
The U.S. Supreme Court recently observed that digital devices “have become important tools [for] ... criminal enterprises, and can provide valuable incriminating information about dangerous criminal...
Where do the good ideas come from? In this column, we offer our readers the opportunity to learn about–and benefit from–some of the cutting-edge technologies being implemented by law enfor...