As the summer holiday season begins, we embark on a fun and exciting time for many—vacations, warm weather, and family celebrations. Unfortunately for some, the joy of the summer season will be cut ...
In 2009, the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) experienced 112 fewer preventable, on-duty collisions when compared to 2008. The OPP has made tremendous progress when it comes to reducing serious collisi...
Each year, more than 30,000 people lose their lives in traffic crashes in the United States. Scores more suffer injuries or damage to property. Fortunately, fatalities have been on the decline even as...
Increasingly, the United States is described as a sleep-deprived society. Americans are always seemingly on the go—no longer from dawn until dusk, but well into the night. When compared with Europea...
We understood on the proudest day of our professional lives—the day we took the oath of office—that we might die in the course of discharging our sworn responsibilities. But even if we seriously p...
The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, (MUTCD), which defines the standards for signs, signals, and pavement markings in the United States, is an important guidebook for local communities seek...
One estimate puts the costs for traffic crashes at $230 billion each year in medical expenses, lost productivity, property damage, and related costs. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration...
One of law enforcement’s cardinal responsibilities always has been to reduce highway crashes and the heartbreaking deaths and dreadful injuries they cause. To that end, the IACP joined the American ...