In the late nineteenth century, the New York Police Department (NYPD) faced a daunting challenge. At that time, many of the city’s cyclists were exceeding the speed limit of eight miles per hour. In...
After the death of Kyle Foster, people concerned about pedestrian safety held meetings in Mesquite....
In order to keep up with the strides being made in automotive design and highway design and the way laws are enforced, the Ohio State Highway Patrol has changed its overall traffic enforcement philoso...
High-speed driving and pursuits are dangerous, risky parts of police work. Emergency vehicle operation creates potential risks for vehicle and property damage as well as personal injury or death of of...
After years of steady decline, the number of traffic-related deaths is increasing. Very soon, the number of traffic-related deaths will reach and exceed the past high numbers, if nothing happens to in...
That's the theme for this year's national law enforcement crackdown to make our streets and highways safer over this holiday period. It's time to join other agencies in your state to take advantage of...
Historically, the Austin experience is similar to other communities' efforts to enforce driving while impaired (DWI) laws. Austin's DWI enforcement was originally the sole responsibility of patrol off...
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), in the United States in 2004, 16,694 people were killed in crashes involving alcohol, representing 39 percent of the 42,884 peo...