The International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) has long supported law enforcement-based victim services (LEV). In recent years, the IACP’s work in providing training and technical assistan...

Police executives and community leaders recognize the need to build and sustain solid relationships with all communities, especially communities of color, since the police depend on community members ...

Many police agencies face staffing and resource constraints that require officers to prioritize violent crimes over other types of crimes for investigation and victim support. Police-based victim serv...

It is not unusual for victims to find it difficult to engage with the police after experiencing an assault. Often, victims fear they will not be believed or that reporting the crime will not have any ...

Human trafficking, including both sex and labor trafficking, is a heinous crime that removes all humanity from victims and denies them basic human rights. According to the 2021 Trafficking in Persons ...

Serving vulnerable populations in Indian Country is an ever-evolving process. The U.S. government recognizes 566 tribes and there are 325 Native American reservations, Furthermore, there is “a total...

The moment a mass violence, mass casualty, or domestic terrorism incident occurs is not the time for responding agencies to meet each other or develop an approach. Planning reduces chaos and mitigate...

People with intellectual disabilities are disproportionately impacted by victimization. An intellectual disability is a disability characterized by significant limitations both in intellectual functio...