Access to justice can be challenging for vulnerable populations, particularly where there is a cross-border, international dimension to the crime. Cross-border victims—be they children, persons with...

Millions of older people experience some type of abuse, neglect, or financial exploitation every year, with devastating consequences to their physical, social, financial, and psychological well-being....

Extreme events around the world have continued to increase at an alarming rate. Whether these incidents are mass shootings, stabbings, terrorist bombings, vehicle attacks, building collapses, or natur...

Recognizing and reporting human trafficking have steadily improved since the adoption of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA). However, male victims remain among the most underserved and unde...

Imagine your loved one is murdered inside your home, and although you are grieving, you are responsible for finding someone to clean the crime scene, planning and paying for a funeral, understanding t...

September 11, 2001, began as a beautiful, crisp fall day without a cloud in the deep blue sky. Children were on their way to their first day of school, a local election was underway, and individuals w...

In 2016, the Casper, Wyoming; Chattanooga, Tennessee; and Saginaw, Michigan, Police Departments were selected as demonstration sites for the Enhancing Law Enforcement Response to Victims (ELERV) initi...

Human traffickers prey on some of the most vulnerable members of society, exploiting them for compelled labor, services, or commercial sex, often through invisible schemes of psychological coercion t...