Victim Services
I still remember the words of my father, a gentle man. He used to say “the greatest sin that can be committed is the abuse of power. And the cardinal sin of all sins is abuse against a woman or a c...
Victim Services
The cooperation of victims and witnesses is crucial to achieving successful investigations and prosecutions of criminal offenders. However, victims and witnesses are often reluctant to give informatio...
Victim Services
The diligent patrol officer reported the episode thoughtfully. He had administered the pilot risk assessment carefully, using the new departmental protocol; his training; and his talent for listening,...
President's Message
As police leaders, we are dedicated to protecting our communities from crime and violence. This duty encompasses a broad array of responsibilities, not the least of which is protecting vulnerable popu...
Research & Evidence-Based Policing
For many years, recommendations have been made for law enforcement agencies to form collaborative working relationships with local academic institutions. The benefit of these collaborations to law enf...
Mass Casualty Attacks
Officer on phone at scene of emergency
When prevention and intervention efforts fail and mass violence occurs, law enforcement efforts turn toward securing the scene and ensuring public safety. Officers and other personnel also collect evi...
From the Director
Children who experience and witness violence are robbed of their childhoods and bear physical and emotional scars that can last a lifetime. We know that youth who have been exposed to violence are mor...
Mental Health
Members of Fairfield, Connecticut, Police Department’s Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) showed (and continue to show) a great deal of dedication, initiative, forward-thinking, and professionalism as t...