Victim Services
Strong, proactive law enforcement leadership in the struggle to address family violence can protect victims and their children, break the cycle of family violence, and save the lives of police officer...
Victim Services
A 2011 report by the Violence Policy Center addresses the issue of intimate partner violence. The report details the reality of females killed by male offenders and breaks down the numbers by race, ag...
Victim Services
In many cases of sexual assault, crime laboratories have generally lacked the resources needed to use forensic DNA within the short response time that is most beneficial to a criminal investigation. T...
Victim Services
In Indian Country, there is a significant problem with child abuse. In response to this, multidisciplinary teams (MDTs) are put in place to effectively combat child abuse crimes. Law enforcement leade...
In 1992, Jefferson County, Colorado, experienced an increase in youth violence that led to a rise in juvenile arrests and filings. This juvenile activity had a negative impact on the juvenile justice ...
Victim Services
Police chiefs throughout the United States are frequently confronted with situations where department overtime budgets are strained; physical effort levels are drained; and officers are frustrated by ...
Victim Services
About three hours after I [Todd L’Herrou] arrived on the scene and my trained searchers had entered the field, Team Charlie was on the radio, requesting that the other teams be sure that their radio...
Victim Services
The Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC) is often perceived as an international problem, happening in foreign countries like Thailand, Brazil, or Mexico. For the most part, Americans are ...