Bullying can start at a very young age and can include playground teasing and name-calling. It continues into the teenage years where sexual harassment, dating violence, and gang attacks emerge. It co...
Education & Training
Juveniles are not simply little adults, and the techniques for de-escalating aggressive juveniles are different from the techniques used to deal with adults. This unique status of juveniles has been r...
Girl with smartphone
Today's youth are the first generation to grow up with the Internet as a part of everyday life. The advances in technology allow young people to reach out to a new universe of knowledge and cultural e...
Criminal Justice Reform
Some police officers beginning their careers in law enforcement believe that reductions in crime are best achieved by making big arrests involving the dramatic apprehension of dangerous offenders. To ...
Representatives from the IACP and Special Olympics International met in September to judge the entries of the Third Annual IACP Torch Run Photo Contest....