The play revolves around a young girl, Aimy Fairfax, and her very big dilemma. Aimy is the new kid in town whose new friends want her to experiment with cigarettes and alcohol. During the play, Aimy e...
A long-standing high school tradition in many communities that accompanies homecoming week and the homecoming dance is late-night house rolling, which involves secretly covering someone’s house and ...
The social outreach committee of a church located across the street from the middle school became concerned about students loitering after school, smoking, fighting, and getting into other types of tr...
The International Justice and Public Safety Information Sharing Network (NLETS) has been in the business of connecting law enforcement and the justice community for nearly 40 years. Today, NLETS is a ...
In recent months, newspapers and television news specials across the United States chronicled the devastation that methamphetamine use and production impose on individuals, families, and communities. ...
In 1995 the City of Pocomoke began an innovative approach to community policing by initiating a number of community outreach programs aimed at youth. The programs grew from modest beginnings, with lit...
Law enforcement, social services agencies, community-based organizations, and schools all can play a role in helping a young person to develop and keep from entering the juvenile justice systems. Prev...
Children are especially vulnerable to violence and its consequences. In Memphis, Tennessee, after a stray bullet struck and killed a three-year-old girl in 2002, city leaders and residents renewed the...