fficer safety is of utmost importance for law enforcement executives. Although training can help decrease the number of injuries and deaths, advancements in technology can also prove highly beneficial...
istorically, research about stress in policing has traversed two very different paths. The first path has investigated the effects of physical and psychological stressors on police officers in dynamic...
epresentatives of many law enforcement agencies in the United States and around the world have now had the opportunity to attend training sessions and/or workshops on the principles, practices, polici...
he mission of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Office of Security (OS) is to secure the department so the department can secure the United States. The security challenges facing DHS requ...
his Technology Talk is an update on the status of the nationwide public safety shared wireless broadband network. This is an executive summary highlighting major developments and several intermitting ...
Where do the good ideas come from? In this column, we offer our readers the opportunity to learn about — and benefit from — some of the cutting-edge technologies being implemented by law enforceme...
ouses of worship should be the safest places on Earth; sadly, they are not. Every day, across the United States, they are victimized by criminal occurrences. Some incidents, such as last year’s fata...
December 3rd IACP News News from the Field License Plate Readers Spark Debates Police have used cameras that read the license plates on passing cars to locate missing people in California, murderers i...