The Complexities of Qualified Immunity
Introduction by President Steven R. Casstevens

As discussions regarding police reform continue on the federal, state, and local levels, one recurring topic is qualified immunity. I have responded to countless media requests on the issue and recently testified before the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee, where abolishing qualified immunity was a key discussion point.
Qualified immunity is such a complex issue that it can be hard to explain to our community members, elected officials, and the media. Because of that, I have asked seasoned expert Mike Callahan, former FBI supervisory special agent and chief division counsel, to provide an overview of the issue and answer some of the recurring questions related to qualified immunity to help us better advocate its value and build the case of why it should not be modified or abolished. Mike has served in law enforcement for 44 years, including 30 years with the FBI, and I am grateful for his insight.