IACP 2021 DAID Conference Recap

On August 14–16, 2021, the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) hosted its first hybrid conference—the 2021 Training Conference on Drugs, Alcohol, and Impaired Driving (DAID). This event delivered high-value training, networking opportunities, on-site exhibits, and plenary sessions to law enforcement officers, traffic safety professionals, prosecutors, toxicologists, and physicians, providing a forum in which to share information, countermeasures, and best practices for reducing drug- and alcohol-impaired driving and improving road safety. Virtual attendees were able to benefit from more than 40 pre-recorded educational workshops, as well as several virtual exhibits. Additionally, in-person attendees enjoyed exclusive access to general sessions and 11 more sessions only available in person. The pre-recorded educational workshops will be available for three months after the 2021 DAID Conference for both in-person and virtual attendees, enabling the attendees to continue their professional education.