Leadership, Trust, and Modernization
The RCMP’s Multifaceted Trust-Building Strategy

Canada’s vast geography can be both a blessing and a challenge. The country is known for its immense natural spaces, world-class cities, and multiculturalism. However, sometimes this level of complexity means Canada can be challenging to govern.
After 150 years, no one knows the country better than Canada’s national police service, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP).
The RCMP is entrusted with a broad policing mandate that encompasses three main areas of responsibility: frontline policing by contract for 10 of Canada’s 13 provinces and territories, in over 150 municipalities, and for 600 Indigenous communities across Canada; specialized policing services in areas such as forensic analyses, firearms, criminal records, and combating child sexual exploitation, which help to support the organization’s policing partners; and federal policing that enforces federal laws, national security, international policing commitments, and protective services for designated persons, including the prime minister of Canada.