
February 2020


GUEST EDITORS: Julie Malear, Madeline Ridgway, Andrea Watson, & Jackie Yin

Investigative practices vary depending on the city, state, or country in which a crime occurred, but some practices and techniques apply across the field. From organized crime to homicide to critical incidents, crimes of all types can be solved only by investigators armed with knowledge, experience, and access to the best practices and tools available. 


  • Rapport Is the Truth Serum Interviewers Have Been Seeking

    Ask people on the street about the techniques police use for interviews and interrogations, and it is likely they will offer up “good cop/bad cop.” Popularized by Hollywood, this usually evokes im...

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  • Death Investigations: The Role of Medical Examiners

    The investigation of a death is a complex process that involves public safety officials as well as forensic medical personnel. To be successful, the process requires the interaction of these officials...

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  • Intelligence-Led Policing on a Shoestring Budget

    Intelligence-led policing (ILP) is not about solving crimes; it’s about predicting them. It is the ultimate foundation for preventative, proactiv...

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  • Expanding the Armory in the Fight Against Organized Crime

    The tentacles of OCGs reach across borders, infesting and corrupting governments, communities, and societies. Their impact is now so widespread that countering th...

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