
February 2022

Developing Police Professionals

GUEST EDITORS Trey Ernandez and Danielle Manigault

The future of professional law enforcement relies on the ability of organizations to recruit, retain, and develop personnel with critical thinking skills and the character to apply those skills in the service of others. The responsibility for making that happen depends in part on the openness of police executives to utilize diverse leadership practices. This issue of Police Chief focuses on those areas that police executives can control, with strategies for creating positive motivation; developing exemplary followers and future leaders; and building strong, resilient organizations that foster public trust.


  • Professional Policing for the Future

    The future of professional law enforcement relies on the ability of organizations to recruit, retain, and develop personnel with critical thinking skills and the character to apply those skills in the...

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  • Recruitment, Retention, and Attrition

    Drive down any business district and just about every business has a help wanted sign in the window. Many offer bonuses. However, these businesses do not face the unique challenges that law enforcemen...

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  • Market Disruptions and Policing

    Renowned business consultant and educator Peter Drucker said, “Not to innovate is the single largest reason for the decline of existing organizations.” Drucker was, of course, speaking with busin...

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  • Training for First-Line Leadership

    Leadership training and development are important for the success of all law enforcement organizations and their respective members. That stated, leadership development is especially crucial for firs...

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  • Resilience, Your New Superpower

    Every law enforcement officer will face stress, adversity, and trauma. One study found law enforcement officers will experience 188 critical incidents over their careers. Sometimes it comes in the fo...

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