
January 2021

Reimagining Policing

GUEST EDITORS: Carl Maupin and Meghann Casanova

As the public’s demands for transparency, bias-free policing, improved mental health response, and other important advances in law enforcement grow, police agencies worldwide are taking a critical look at their practices and policies as their role in society evolves alongside their community’s needs.


  • A Smarter Public Safety Model

    On October 31, 1963, U.S. President John F. Kennedy signed a bill meant to free many thousands of people with mental illnesses from life in institutions. It envisioned building 1,500 outpatient mental...

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  • Defund or Rethink Policing?

    Police organizations worldwide— including those in the United States—are facing calls to significantly reform or even defund police agencies, leading to a clear need for reenvisioning the role of ...

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  • Community-Oriented Problem-Solving

    In the last 50 years, the policing profession has witnessed a proliferation of law enforcement operating models and methodologies. In a large part, this change has been energized by major studies that...

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  • Civil Traffic Agents Protect Colombian Roads

    A traffic officer is a familiar sight in many countries, and traffic enforcement is a common role for many police personnel. However, in Colombia, the enforcement of traffic laws can be carried out no...

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