
January 2023: Contemporary Issues in Policing 

Although it can be a fulfilling career, the law enforcement profession is also recognized globally as one of the most stressful and dangerous. Despite encountering myriad challenges, countless officers still put their lives at risk to serve their communities. From a lack of resources to repeated exposure to trauma to distrust within the community, agencies—large and small—must implement new practices and strategies to overcome their own complex set of challenges. 


  • Situational Awareness in Law Enforcement

    Policing is recognized as one of the most stressful and dangerous professions globally. The job is arduous and requires significant effort, physical energy, emotional resilience, and mental or cogniti...

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  • Supporting Resilient Reintegration Following the Use of Deadly Force

    Researchers and health professionals have examined the effects of both acute and chronic exposure to traumatic stress on peace officers. Repeated exposure to acute and chronic stressors result in chro...

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  • When the Stakes Are High, Departments Need a Crisis Response Team

    When facts are incorrect, misleading, or completely missing, advocates for change are handicapped in their efforts to propose viable alternatives. Nonetheless, many police agencies lack the time or a...

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  • Overcoming Stereotypes Between Officers and Teens

    The relationship between police officers and teens has built-in complexities. Countless youth development studies have shown that the road to adulthood in teenage years is marked by a need to take ri...

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