
July 2024: Safety and Civil Rights at Mass Demonstrations

Crises, big or small, take a toll on everyone involved—psychologically and physically. As the policing profession looks toward the future, it must provide officers with the proper tools and training to solve complex problems more effectively while also navigating the recovery process of witnesses and victims.


  • The Psychological Toll of Mass Violence Response

    “Science doesn’t have the corner on truth. The reality of the Oregon District Mass Shooting is that it was an absolute horror for everyone touched by it, and there is no sufficient narrative to ex...

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  • From Evidence to Actionable Victim Engagement

    It is not unusual for victims to find it difficult to engage with the police after experiencing an assault. Often, victims fear they will not be believed or that reporting the crime will not have any ...

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  • Introducing Problem-Based Learning

    In the course of their work, police officers often encounter problems. Some may be standard for the conditions of service, while others need a concentration of efforts to solve them, carry more uncert...

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  • Transforming Police Training for Tomorrow

    In his insightful book, The Infinite Game, the business leadership guru Simon Sinek asserts, “Great leaders are the ones who think beyond ‘short term’ versus ‘long term.’ They are...

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