June 2021
Global Crime Trends
GUEST EDITORS Brandon Battle and Zac Onufrychuk
Crime around the globe is often similar, regardless of region, and, in this modern age, many criminal organizations operate transnationally, often by trafficking humans, drugs, or other contraband across borders or perpetuating crime in the digital sphere. As countries worldwide work to combat crime in their regions, they can learn from one another’s successes and collaborate to prevent transnational crime.
The New Transnational and Technological Mafias
Contemporary mafias in all their manifestations are now a transnational phenomenon. It is impossible to isolate mafia criminal activities in a single specific territory. To understand the new organize... -
Under the Radar
It is difficult to find an all-encompassing definition for the term “environmental crime,” since such criminality takes myriad forms. It can, for instance, include trafficking in endangered specie... -
Leveraging Intelligence to Optimize Investigations
Transnational organized crime has taken advantage of the openness and opportunities offered by globalization so far, a phenomenon that has already been widely described. Undeniably, the rapid technolo... -
The Economic Dimension of Crime
During the last few decades, Colombia has experienced significant changes in terms of security and freedom. These transformations have led to a transition in the social and political perspective of t...
- President’s Message: The Globalization of Crime
- From the Secretary General: The Parallel Criminal Pandemic Created by COVID-19
- Perspectives: Emerging Global Crime Trends
- The Advisor: Diversity in Recruitment
- Chief’s Counsel: Police-Press Relations
- Focus on Officer Wellness: Resetting Internal Patterns
- Traffic Safety Initiatives: Enhancing Speed Enforcement in Guayaquil, Ecuador
- Research in Brief: Organizational Justice Affects Officer Attitudes toward Misconduct
- Spotlight: Telehealth Solution for Mental Health Calls
- Tech Talk: Combining Technologies to Make the Picture Clearer
- Product Feature: Training to Uphold Accountability
- Exposition: June 2021
- 2021 IACP Drugs, Alcohol, and Impaired Driving Conference Preview
- IACP@Work: Bridging Perspectives
- IACPnet Bulletin: June 2021
- The Brief: Collective Healing Report Released
- Ad Index: June 2021