September 2020
Emerging Issues in Traffic Safety
GUEST EDITORS Cari Jankowski and Breana McKenney
Traffic safety is part of every law enforcement agency’s mission to increase safety and protect community members, and addressing traffic issues can be a key element in crime prevention. As new technologies emerge in both vehicles and police departments, this universal area of policing continually evolves, bringing new challenges and new opportunities.
Innovations and Challenges in Urban Road Traffic
Major cities around the world face challenges that impact the quality of life for their inhabitants, including traffic congestion and road collisions. Thus, to improve the quality of life for urban d... -
Speaking Out to Save Lives
Law enforcement officers are the front lines of public safety within their communities. What sometimes gets lost in today’s busy world with many competing priorities is that traffic safety is an ess... -
Cultivating Partnerships to Protect Children
Local and state uniformed officers have served on the front lines of U.S. law enforcement for more than a century. Whether enforcing prohibition laws in the 1920s or reducing drunk driving and interdi... -
Virtual Reality and Crash Reconstruction
For many years, law enforcement has been competing against the CSI effect. The general public watches myriad law enforcement dramas and expects the modern-day law enforcement officers who ser...
- President’s Message: The Need for Comprehensive Traffic Safety
- From the Deputy Administrator: Looking Ahead to Safer Roadways
- Perspectives: How Collaboration Can Increase Road Safety
- The Advisor: Misconceptions about Leadership
- Chief’s Counsel: Traffic Stops for Revoked Licenses
- Focus on Officer Wellness: Proactive Employee Wellness Program
- Traffic Safety Initiatives: Reducing Global Road Deaths and Injuries
- Spotlight: Leveraging Technology for Mental Health Response
- The Informer: September 2020
- Tech Talk: Raising the Bar for sUAS Remote Pilots
- Product Feature: Unlocking New Features and Uses for Drones
- Exposition: September 2020
- IACP 2020: Exceptional Education Global Connections
- IACP@Work: Safe, Quick Clearance of Traffic Incidents Toolkit
- IACP Net Bulletin: Emerging Issues in Traffic Safety
- The Brief: Traffic Enforcement during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Ad Index: September 2020