IACP Working for You – October 2016

In the mission to support the law enforcement leaders of today and develop the leaders of tomorrow, the IACP is constantly involved in advocacy, programs, research, and initiatives related to cutting-edge issues. This column keeps you up to date on IACP’s work to support our members and the field of law enforcement.

Officer-Involved Shooting Guide

Though few officers will be directly involved in a hostile shooting situation during their careers, many more might experience the impact of one; the effects of such events touch not only the officer involved, but the department and the community as well. Because of the gravity of officer-involved shootings, it is vitally important to ensure that the agency and its officers are prepared in advance for such an event. IACP, with funding from the COPS Office, has developed Officer-Involved Shootings: A Guide for Law Enforcement Leaders to provide guidance for preparing officers and departments prior to an officer-involved shooting, suggested incident scene actions and procedures, recommended procedures for conducting criminal and administrative investigations, suggestions for working with the media, and mental health and wellness considerations and procedures.

Access the guide at www.theiacp.org/portals/0/documents/pdfs/e051602754_Officer_Involved_v8.pdf.

U.S. Presidential Candidate Survey

U.S. Presidential candidates Donald Trump (R) and Hillary Clinton (D) responded to a 10-question survey created and sent to them by the IACP. The survey includes questions on pressing criminal justice issues and was designed to gain a better understanding of the candidates’ criminal justice–related police positions and philosophies. The IACP does not and cannot endorse or support candidates for political office; therefore, the information provided via the candidates’ responses are intended to provide IACP members, the larger law enforcement community, and the public with each candidate’s criminal justice policy positions and his or her plans for working with law enforcement in the United States.

Read Mr. Trump and Secretary Clinton’s responses at www.theiacp.org/candidateresponse.

IACP Partners with the DOJ to Combat Human Trafficking

The IACP, with the support of the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice, and in partnership with the Urban Institute and AEquitas, has launched the Enhancing Law Enforcement Human Trafficking Task Force Operations project, which provides law enforcement–related training and technical assistance (TTA) to the BJA/Office for Victims of Crime (OVC)–funded human trafficking task forces. The TTA project focuses on sex and labor trafficking and aims to close the gap in the identification, reporting, and enforcement of human trafficking laws.

For project-related information or TTA, contact humantrafficking@theiacp.org or
visit the BJA website at www.bja.gov/humantrafficking.